ECE-2025 HW F-99

ECE-2025 HW F-99

ECE-2025 Homework
Assignments: Fall-99

Each assignment is posted on this
page in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files. You may
obtain a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader for
free from
. Make sure that it version 3.0 or higher.

Special Instructions are noted on each

Please use a title page for your HW.

See the sample here
(Right-click to download this MS-Word document which is in RTF

List of


Due Date

Problem Set #1

3-Sept-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #2

10-Sept-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #3

17-Sept-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #4

24-Sept-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #5

4-Oct-99 (Monday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #6

8-Oct-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #7

15-Oct-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #8

22-Oct-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #9

29-Oct-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #10

5-Nov-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #11

12-Nov-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #12

19-Nov-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #13

3-Dec-99 (Friday, in Lecture)

Problem Set #14

NEVER, but will be covered on Final Exam

The FINAL EXAMS will be held on
Wed. (15-Dec) and Friday (17-Dec) in the ECE Auditorium.

Coverage: everything.

Bring calculator and one page of hand-written notes (write on both sides OK).

Check the “On-Line Quizzes & HW” Link for additional
WEEKLY assignments.