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ECE-2025 Lab Assignments

The labs are posted in Adobe’s PDF format. You may
obtain a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader for
free from

Special instructions are noted on each assignment.

In general, Lab reports are due one week after doing the supervised warm-up.

Lab reports are due at the beginning of lab;
Labs turned in later on the same day will lose 5 points.

Please get the SP-First Toolbox M-files from
this link.

Un-zip and put these files at the BEGINNING of your MATLAB path.


NOTE: The FAQs were created from questions and comments on the labs during
the previous semester(s). Thus, there might be some differences in cross-referencing
sections of the labs for this semester.
Description Lab Dates FAQ** Supporting Material & Links
Lab #1

Intro to MATLAB
23-26 Aug 04 FAQ

Getting Started with MATLAB
(2.6 Megabyte PDF file from Mathworks)

Little Bits of MATLAB
(Old MATLAB tutorial)

Another MATLAB Tutorial
(written by Prof. Heck of ECE)
Lab #2

Complex Exponentials
30-Aug to 2-Sept FAQ
There is new capability in MATLAB v7 for making MS-Word compatible files.
We will not require its use during the warm-up, but a description is

Tutorial movie about MATLAB’s notebook capability

in a ZIP file (9.8Mb)
Unzip to get the AVI file which should be viewed with Camtasia Player
which can be obtained here:

camplay.exe in a ZIP file.

Please get the

latest ZIP file
of the SP-First M-files.

AM & FM Signals
7-13 Sept No FAQ available
Please bring headphones to lab

The latest version of CNT can be obtained from
It is a Flash program that runs on Windows only.
Lab #4

FM Music Synthesis
14-20 Sept No FAQ available
Please bring headphones to lab.

Formal Lab Report Required.
Worth 150 points.

Link to Chowning’s paper
Lab #5

Music Synthesis
21-27 Sept Lab-5 FAQ
coscos.m (test file for
debugging in the preLab).

Song is “Fur Elise”

Uses two data files in MATLAB binary format:
furElise.mat contains information about
key numbers and types for the entire song.
furEliseShort.mat contains only the first 4 measures (useful for debugging).
Data is stored in MATLAB structures called Treble and Bass.

Download this archive.
Un-zip to get furElise.mat and furEliseShort.mat as well as a
copy of the sheet music for Beethoven’s Fur Elise,
and a WAV file with a piano recording.

Help on Structures in MATLAB
Lab #6

Digital Images: A/D and D/A
28-Sept to 4-Oct 04 Lab-6 FAQ
coscos.m (test file for debugging in the Warm-up).

Uses two image data files in PNG binary format:
lighthouse.png and pccat.png
Download this archive.
Un-zip to get the two PNG files.
Some useful information is available in
Lab #7

Digital Images: Deconvolution
5-11 Oct Lab-7 FAQ
Data file is

CON2DIS and DCONVDEMO should be on the MATLAB path in the
ECE-2025 Lab, or you can install them with the SP-First Toolbox (above).

Also uses the image data file in PNG binary format:
pccat.png from Lab #6.
Lab #8

Filter Design: BPF
12-25 Oct Old Lab-7 FAQ is applicable

Data file is file
DLTIDEMO should be on the MATLAB path in the ECE-2025 Lab, or
you can download it from the GUI page
Lab #9

Touch-Tone Dialing/Detection
26-Oct to 1-Nov 04 Old Lab-8 FAQ Support file is file. It also contains
the onefreq.p function (p-code format).

*** Lab #9 report due during the week of 9-Nov
Lab #10

Continuous-Time GUIs
2-8 Nov No FAQ available
CLTIDEMO, CCONVDEMO, and FSERIESDEMO should be on the MATLAB path in the ECE-2025 Lab,
CLTIDEMO should be on the MATLAB path in the ECE-2025 Lab,
or you can get it from the GUI page

CCONVDEMO is on the MATLAB path, or get it from the GUI page

FSERIESDEMO is on the MATLAB path, or get it from the GUI page

*** Lab #9 report due during the week of 9-Nov
Lab #11

AM Communication System
9-15 Nov Old Lab-11 FAQ

Both signal files are in

sptest.wav is the test signal, raw speech at 44.1 kHz.

spmyst.wav is the “mystery signal” out of the modulator.

*** Lab #11 report due on Monday, 22-Nov in Lecture.
Lab #12 (part one)

PeZ GUI intro
16-22 Nov No FAQ available
No Lab report. Warm-up only, so this must be done entirely in-Lab.

Latest PeZ,,
has the “ray” feature in the Options Menu.

In order to run it, unzip, add the pezmovie directory
to your MATLABPATH, and then use pezmovie at the MATLAB prompt.
Lab #12 (part two)

PeZ: 2nd-order IIR
28-Nov to 1-Dec 04 No FAQ available
No Lab report. Warm-up only, so this must be done entirely in-Lab.