TD.header { vertical-align: baseline; color: white; background-color: rgb(55,255,55); font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; text-align: center }
TD.row1 { color: black; background-color: rgb(255,255,220); font-family: sans-serif; text-align: left }
TD.row2 { color: black; background-color: rgb(230,230,230); font-family: sans-serif; text-align: left }

SP-First MATLAB Files (Updated for MATLAB Ver 7.1, REL14sp3)

Please get the
most recent ZIP file
of the SP-First M-files (see footnote).
The present version number is v1.40, dated 18-Jan-2007

Installation Procedure to add these files to MATLAB and update MATLAB’s path:

  1. Download the ZIP file that contains everything. It is
    called spfirst_vNNN.zip..
  2. Unzip spfirst_vNNN.zip somewhere. A good choice would be the directory:
    ...MATLABtoolboxspfirst. The unzip will create a
    bunch of subdirectories.
  3. Then add the directory ...MATLABtoolboxspfirst to
    the MATLAB path. This can be done in MATLAB from the
    menu File->Set Path.
  4. Next, type the command spfirst at the MATLAB comand
    prompt. It will add all the other subdirectories to the path.
  5. Finally, under File->Set Path, do a save of the new path.

Once the MATLABPATH is correct, you should be able to
type zdrill or sindrill at the MATLAB command prompt
and have a GUI start up. Also, commands like zprint
will now work.

UNinstall: Delete all the files and directories in ...MATLABtoolboxspfirst, and also manually remove the directories from MATLAB’s path via File->Set Path.

FOOTNOTE: The M-files should be platform-independent. However, there is also a
Unix/Mac version,
which has the appropriate end-of-line terminators for Unix-only editors.
This ZIP file contains exactly the same M-files.

Links to some MATLAB Tutorials

Supporting Material & Links Description
The core functionality of MATLAB has changed very little since version 3 in the early 1990’s.

Getting Started with MATLAB

2.6 Megabyte PDF file of the Reference Manual from Mathworks
Bits of MATLAB
Using MATLAB for Signal Processing (McClellan, 1997)

Another MATLAB Tutorial
from Univ. of Florida (old, written for version 4.2)

Yet Another MATLAB Tutorial
from Michigan Tech (updated for version 5)

And Another MATLAB Tutorial
Signals & Systems oriented, from Georgia Tech (ECE)

One more MATLAB Tutorial
from Univ. of New Hampshire
Want more? Google with the phrase “Matlab tutorial”