SP First Lectures

SP First Lectures

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SP First Lectures     (2006)

SPFirst Cover

The lecture slides for
Signal Processing First

are being made available under the Creative Commons
License terms called the Attribution, Share Alike, Non-Commercial License 1.0. The full text of this license can be found here.

The attribution should be “© 2003-2006 James H. McClellan
and Ronald W. Schafer.”

The slides are posted in two formats:

Adobe’s PDF format (4 per page) which is the typical way that
we distribute lectures slides at Georgia Tech.

Microsoft’s Powerpoint 2000 format.
The equations were created with Equation Editor.

At Georgia Tech, we give two Lectures per week, and then have one Recitation in between
where problem solving is the main activity.
As a result, the lectures concentrate on presenting the theory.
The reading assignments refer to pages in the textbook

Signal Processing First.

Send comments or questions to Jim McClellan
   Updated on 13-Sept-2006


Lecture File(s), update Topic Reading Extras
1 PDF,
Sinusoids Ch. 2, Sects 2-1 to 2-2,
Appendix B
2 PDF,
Time and phase shift Ch. 2, Sects 2-3 to 2-5,
Apps. A & B
ZIP file for Sine Drill:

find cos() formula from a plot.

also on the SP First CD.
3 PDF,
Phasor Addition Theorem Ch. 2, Sect 2-6 ZIP file for Z-Drill:

complex number manipulations.
4 PDF,
The Spectrum Ch. 3, Sect 3-1,
App. A
5 PDF,
Periodic Signals and Time-Varying Spectrum Ch. 3, Sects 3-2, 3-3, 3-7, 3-8  
6 PDF,
Fourier Series Analysis Ch. 3, Sects 3-4, 3-5  
7 PDF,
Fourier Series & Spectrum Ch. 3, Sects 3-4, 3-5, 3-6
ZIP file for Fourier Series MATLAB GUI Demo

Also, Slabaugh’s Fourier Series JAVA applet
8 PDF,
Sampling and Aliasing Ch. 4, Sects 4-1, 4-2 ZIP file for con2dis:
9 PDF,
Bandlimited Reconstruction (D-to-A) Ch. 4, Sects. 4-4, 4-5  
10 PDF,
FIR Filtering Intro Ch. 5, Sects 5-1, 5-2 & 5-3 ZIP file for discrete convolution demo
11 PDF,
Linearity, Time-Invariance & Convolution Ch. 5, Sects 5-5, 5-6 & 5-4 ZIP file for dconvdemo: Discrete-time Convolution
12 PDF,
Frequency Response for FIR Ch. 6, Sects 6-1, 6-2, 6-3 & 6-4 ZIP file for DLTIdemo: Sinusoid-IN gives Sinusoid-OUT
13 PDF,
Digital Filtering of Analog Signals Ch. 6, Sects 6-6, 6-7, & 6-8  
14 PDF,
Z-Transform Intro Ch. 7, Sects 7-1 thru 7-5  
15 PDF,
Zeros & Frequency Response Ch. 7, Sects 7-6 to end ZIP file for PeZdemo: Zero Placement & 3-Domains
16 PDF,
IIR Filters & H(z) Ch. 8, Sects 8-1 thru 8-3  
17 PDF,
IIR Frequency Response Ch. 8, Sects 8-4 thru 8-6 ZIP file for PeZdemo: Pole Placement & 3-Domains
18 PDF,
3 Domains for IIR Filters Ch. 8, all  
19 PDF,
Continuous-Time Signals and Systems Ch. 9, Sects. 9-1 to 9-5  
20 PDF,
Continuous-Time Convolution Ch. 9, Sects. 9-6 to 9-8 ZIP file for CCONVDEMO:
Continuous-time convolution
21 PDF,
Frequency Response of Continuous-Time Systems Ch. 10, all ZIP file for CLTIdemo: Sinusoid-IN gives Sinusoid-OUT
22 PDF,
Introduction to the Fourier Transform Ch. 11, Sects. 11-1 to 11-4  
23 PDF,
Fourier Transform Properties Chapter 11, Sects. 11-5 to 11-9  
24 PDF,
Amplitude Modulation Ch. 12, Sects. 12-1 & 12-2  
25 PDF,
Sampling & Reconstruction

(Fourier View)
Ch. 12, Sect. 12-3  
26 PDF,
Review: Digital Filter of Analog Signals Ch. 12, all