= 0) {
if (parent.theMenu.setEntry(eID, true)) {
} else {
var navPrinting = false;
if ((navigator.appName + navigator.appVersion.substring(0, 1)) == “Netscape4”) {
navPrinting = (self.innerHeight == 0) && (self.innerWidth == 0);}
if ((self.name != ‘text’) && (self.location.protocol != “file:”) && (document.cookie.indexOf(‘mode=NoFrames’) = 3) {self.location.replace(newLoc);} else {self.location.href = newLoc;}
var floatingMode = (document.cookie.indexOf(“mode=Floating”) >= 0);
var platform = ‘Win’;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(‘Mac’) >= 0) {platform = ‘Mac’;}
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(‘OS/2’) >= 0) {platform = ‘OS/2’;}
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(‘X11’) >= 0) {platform = ‘UNIX’;}
var ip = ‘images/menu/’;
ip += (platform == ‘Mac’) ? ‘mac/’ : ((platform == ‘OS/2’) ? ‘os2/’ : ‘win/’)
var plusIcon = ip + ‘plusonly.gif’
var minusIcon = ip + ‘minusonly.gif’
This section contains help on using the menu system.
Menu Controls:
Menu Control | Description |
Home | Displays the Home Page. |
Expand | Expands all section headings in the menu. |
Collapse | Collapses all expanded section headings in the menu. |
Frames | Closes the floating menu. |
Float | Displays this site with a separate window for the site outline. |
Help | Displays this page. |