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ECE-2025 Lab Assignments

The labs are posted in Adobe’s PDF format. You may
obtain a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader for
free from

Special instructions are noted on each assignment.

In general, Lab reports are due one week after doing the supervised warm-up.

Lab reports are due at the beginning of lab;
Labs turned in later on the same day will lose 5 points.

Please get the SP-First Toolbox M-files from
this link.

Un-zip and put these files at the BEGINNING of your MATLAB path.


NOTE: The FAQs were created from questions and comments on the labs during
the previous semester(s). Thus, there might be some differences in cross-referencing
sections of the labs for this semester.
Description Lab Dates FAQ** Supporting Material & Links
Lab #1

Intro to MATLAB
17-23 Jan 06 FAQ

Getting Started with MATLAB
(2.6 Megabyte PDF file from Mathworks)

Little Bits of MATLAB
(Old MATLAB tutorial)

Another MATLAB Tutorial
(written by Prof. Heck of ECE)
Lab #2

Complex Exponentials
24-30 Jan FAQ
There is yet another capability for making MS-Word compatible files in MATLAB v7.
We will not require its use during the warm-up, but a description is

Tutorial movie about MATLAB’s notebook capability

in a ZIP file (9.8Mb)
Unzip to get the AVI file which should be viewed with Camtasia Player
which can be obtained here:

camplay.exe in a ZIP file.

Please get the

latest ZIP file
of the SP-First M-files.

AM & FM Signals
31-Jan to 6-Feb No FAQ available
Please bring headphones to lab
Lab #4

Synthesize Shepard’s Scale
7-13 Feb No FAQ available
Please bring headphones to lab.

Formal Lab Report Required.
Worth 150 points.


Link to Chowning’s paper
Lab #5

Digital Images: A/D and D/A
15-21 Feb Lab-5 FAQ
coscos.m (test file for debugging in the Warm-up).

Uses an image data file in PNG binary format:
Download this archive.
Un-zip to get the PNG file.
Some useful information is available in
Lab #6

Digital Images: Edge Detection
22-28 Feb Lab-6 FAQ
Data file is
which contains the CourseInfo.png and
crab.png image data files in PNG binary format.

CON2DIS and DCONVDEMO should be on the MATLAB path in the
ECE-2025 Lab, or you can install them with the SP-First Toolbox (above).
Lab #7
(new 2-Mar)

Frequency Content of Images
1-7 Mar Lab-6 FAQ might be applicable

**** Section 4.1 updated for clarity on 2-Mar ****

DLTIDEMO should be on the MATLAB path in the ECE-2025 Lab
<!– , or you can download it from the
GUI page
Data file is file
Lab #8

Filter Design
8-14 Mar Old Lab-7 FAQ is applicable

Data file is file
A new version of the FILTERDESIGN GUI should be on the MATLAB path in the ECE-2025 Lab, or you can download it from here
Installation requires that you remove filterdesign from the MATLAB path, then
restart MATLAB and add filterdesign back to the MATLAB path.
<!– DLTIDEMO should be on the MATLAB path in the ECE-2025 Lab, or
you can download it from the GUI page
Lab #9 (part one)

PeZ GUI intro
15-28 Mar No FAQ available
No Lab report. Warm-up only, so this must be done entirely in-Lab at your scheduled lab time.

The latest PeZ has the “ray” feature enabled.
Lab #9 (part two)

PeZ: 2nd-order IIR BPF
29-Mar to 4-Apr No FAQ available
This part is worth 100 points; the first part of Lab #9 was 50 points.
Lab #10

Touch-Tone Dialing/Detection
5-11 Apr Old Lab-8 FAQ Formal lab report (150 points)
***** Data file file now posted.
Support file is file. It also contains
the onefreq.p function (p-code format).

*** Lab #9 report due during the week of 9-Nov
Lab #11

Continuous-Time GUIs
12-18 Apr No FAQ available
CLTIDEMO, CCONVDEMO, and FSERIESDEMO should be on the MATLAB path in the ECE-2025 Lab.
Lab #12

Remove Interference from ECG Signals
24-27 Apr No FAQ available file
contains two files, a p-code file: ECGmake06.p and a data file

No Lab report. Warm-up only, so this must be done entirely
in-Lab at your scheduled lab time.

In addition, please complete 3 surveys: 2 GT course evals and
our own Web-CT survey.