DSP First Toolbox Additions & Updates

DSP First Toolbox Additions & Updates

DSP First Toolbox Additions &

The Latest GUI Files:

DSP-First M-Files:

Miscellaneous M-File Updates:

NOTE: The files in this table should
be transfered as ASCII files or the line terminators may
be incorrect for your platform.


Date Change
airgnotes.m 18-Sept-99 Initializes vectors of note values
and types
for generating "Air on a G-String."
airgshort.m 18-Sept-99 Initializes vectors of note values
and types
for first two measures of "Air on a G-String."
dirich.m 7-Oct-99 Substitute for MATLAB function
called diric.m
Calculates the Dirichlet function
dtmfcut.m 1-Mar-99 Needed for DTMF Lab
dtmfskeletons.m 1-Mar-99 Needed for DTMF Lab
firfilt.m 10-Oct-01 New version of this DSP-First
toolbox function
This version will not fail when the xx input is a matrix;
instead, it will filter down each column of the matrix.
Previous update for a bug fix was 23-April-01.
freekz.m 15-April-2001 Substitute for MATLAB function
called freqz.m
Calculates the frequency response of a digital filter
The comments were updated in 2001.
***CHANGED the behavior for ‘whole’, so that the
frequency interval from -pi to +pi is generated instead
of 0 to 2pi.
hamming.m 28-Oct-98 Just in case hamming.m is needed
hanning.m 28-Oct-98 von Hann window might be needed in
image2bmp.m 19-Feb-00 Convert image to a bit map graphics
j_notes.m Feb-99 Initializes vectors of note values
and durations
for generating "Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring."
mignotes.m 23-April-99 Initializes vectors of note values
and durations
for generating "Minuet in G."
migshort.m 23-April-99 Initializes vectors of note values
and durations
for 1st 8 measures of "Minuet in G."
musicgui.m 31-Aug-01 Main GUI file for Music Lab (Ch. 9)
updated for v6.x of MATLAB.
Install into dspfirst/musiclab/musicgui.m
plotspec.m 20-Sept-00 Image display of the SPECTROGRAM
output from spectgr.m
Takes care of default settings !!!!
Added "Window Length" capability
showspec.m 11-Oct-98 Substituted Hamming as in-line code
Fixes existing DSP First Toolbox function
spectgr.m 02-Dec-01 New version of this DSP-First
toolbox function
Now accepts complex inputs, for which it produces negative frequencies
in the spectrogram.
Removed the dependence on the "hanning.m"
window function (29-Jan-99)
striplot.m 24-May-01 New version of this DSP-First
toolbox function
Fixed line color to work in version 6 of MATLAB
ucplot.m 24-May-01 New version of this DSP-First
toolbox function
Fixed line color to work in version 6 of MATLAB
zcat.m 24-May-01 New version of this DSP-First
toolbox function
Fixed line color to work in version 6 of MATLAB
zcoords.m 24-May-01 New version of this DSP-First
toolbox function
Fixed line color to work in version 6 of MATLAB
zvect.m 22-Jan-02 Updated comments (Jan-02)
New version of this DSP-First
toolbox function
Fixed line color to work in version 6 of MATLAB
zzplane.m 27-Oct-98 Substitute for MATLAB function
called zplane.m
Plots root locations in the complex plane