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ECE-2025 Lectures

The lecture slides are posted in Adobe’s PDF format. You may
obtain a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader from
. It should work in version 3.0 or later, but it works best with version 4.

The lecture videos are posted in RealNetwork’s RealVideo format. You may obtain a free copy of the RealNetwork RealPlayer from The link to the free player is usually near the bottom of the page.


Lecture File(s) Date Topic Reading Extras
1 PDF, Video 5 Jan 2001 Sinusoids Ch. 2, pp. 9-17 Appendix B  
2 PDF, Video 8 Jan 2001 Time and phase shift Ch. 2, pp. 17-32, Appendices A & B  
3 PDF,
12 Jan 2001 Phasor Addition Theorem Ch. 2, pp. 31-43, Appendices A & B  
4 PDF, Video 19 Jan 2001 The spectrum Ch.3, pp. 48-61, Appendices A & B  
5 PDF, Video 22 Jan 2001 Periodic Signals, Harmonics, Time-Varying Sinusoids Ch. 3, pp. 57-61, 66-77, Appendices A & B  
6 PDF, Video 26 Jan 2001 Time-varying frequency and Fourier series Fourier Series notes, Appendices A & B  
6a PDF, Video 29 Jan 2001 Fourier series and bandlimited signals Fourier Series notes, Appendices A & B  
Q1 Quiz Review Video 1 Feb 2001 Quiz #1 Review    
7 PDF, Video 5 Feb 2001 Sampling and Aliasing Ch. 4, Appendices A & B  
8 PDF, Video 9 Feb 2001 Bandlimited Reconstruction Chapter 4, Appendices A & B  
9 PDF, Video 12 Feb 2001 Introduction to FIR Filtering Ch.5, pp. 119-133  
10 PDF, Video 16 Feb 2001 Linearity and time invariance Chapter 5  
11 PDF, Video 19 Feb 2001 Introduction to FIR Filtering Ch.6, pp. 157-165, 169-176  
12 PDF, Video 22 Feb 2001 Digital Filtering of Analog Signals Chapter 6, pp. 188-194  
13 PDF,

Hi-Res Video
26 Feb 2001 Introduction to the z-Transform Ch.7, pp. 202-220  
Q2 Quiz Review Video

Hi-Res Video
1 Mar 2001 Quiz #2 Review    
14 PDF,

Hi-Res Video
12 Mar 2001 Zeros of the z-Transform & the Frequency Response Ch.7, pp. 220-230
CD-ROM Movies in Ch 7:
New versions are here:
3-Domain Movies
15 PDF, Video

Hi-Res Video
16 Mar 2001 Continuous-Time Signals and Systems Chapter 10 (notes), pp. 1000-1022  
16 PDF,

Hi-Res Video
19 Mar 2001 Continuous-Time Convolution Ch.10, pp. 1020-1041  
17 PDF, Video

Hi-Res Video
23 Mar 2001 Frequency Response of Continuous-Time Systems Chapter 11 (notes), pp. 1100-1118  
18 PDF,

Hi-Res Video
26 Mar 2001 Introduction to the Fourier Transform Ch.12, pp. 1200-1214  
19 PDF, Video

Hi-Res Video
30 Mar 2001 Fourier Transform Properties Chapter 12 (notes), Read all  
20 PDF,

Hi-Res Video
2-April 2001 Amplitude Modulation Finish reading Ch.12  
Q3 Quiz Review Video

Hi-Res Video
5-Apr 2001 Quiz #3 Review    
21 PDF,

Hi-Res Video
9-April 2001 Sampling Theorem Revisited Finish reading Ch.13  
22 PDF,

Hi-Res Video
13-April 2001 Digital Filtering Finish reading Ch.13  
23 PDF,

Hi-Res Video
16-April 2001 IIR D-T Filters Chapter 8, pp. 249-263.  
24 PDF,

Hi-Res Video
20-April 2001 IIR Digital Filtering Finish reading Chapter 8  
25 PDF,

Hi-Res Video
23-April 2001 IIR D-T Filters Finish reading Chapter 8  
26 PDF,

Hi-Res Video
27-April 2001 Review and Conclusion Finish reading Chapter 8