

= 0) {
if (parent.theMenu.setEntry(eID, true)) {
} else {
var navPrinting = false;
if ((navigator.appName + navigator.appVersion.substring(0, 1)) == “Netscape4”) {
navPrinting = (self.innerHeight == 0) && (self.innerWidth == 0);}
if (( != ‘text’) && (self.location.protocol != “file:”) && (document.cookie.indexOf(‘mode=NoFrames’) = 3) {self.location.replace(newLoc);} else {self.location.href = newLoc;}

var floatingMode = (document.cookie.indexOf(“mode=Floating”) >= 0);
var platform = ‘Win’;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(‘Mac’) >= 0) {platform = ‘Mac’;}
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(‘OS/2’) >= 0) {platform = ‘OS/2’;}
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(‘X11’) >= 0) {platform = ‘UNIX’;}
var ip = ‘images/menu/’;
ip += (platform == ‘Mac’) ? ‘mac/’ : ((platform == ‘OS/2’) ? ‘os2/’ : ‘win/’)
var plusIcon = ip + ‘plusonly.gif’
var minusIcon = ip + ‘minusonly.gif’

This section contains help on using the menu system.

Menu Controls:

Menu Control Description
Home Displays the Home Page.
Expand Expands all section headings in the menu.
Collapse Collapses all expanded section headings in the menu.
Frames Closes the floating menu.
Float Displays this site with a separate window for the site outline.
Help Displays this page.