James Mcclellan–Professor

James Mcclellan–Professor

Picture of James Mcclellan James Mcclellan


The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0250

Phone: (404) 894-8325
E-Mail: james.mcclellan@ece.gatech.edu

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Research Interests

Professor McClellan’s current research interests are in two areas of digital
signal processing: adaptive algorithms for sensor array processing, and
computer software for digital signal processing design. He is also interested
in theoretical methods for spectrum analysis, time-frequency representation of
signals, multi-dimensional signal processing, spatial array processing,
implementation of signal processing algorithms on specialized computer
architectures, and interactive workstation environments for algorithm
development and testing. Application areas of interest to Dr. McClellan include
radar and geophysics.


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